A Science Café on internal and external science communication! First guests, Carolina Vieira and Flore Joskin (who work as communication professionals for the Youth-GEMs consortium) followed up on one of the previous Science Cafés dedicated to the website and social media activities within Youth-GEMs. Based on feedback of young experts the website will be restructured, new pages will be added and there will be more emphasis on youth participation. Next to that, information will be simplified and there will be an new visual identity. With respect to social media a new content calendar will pay attention to more variety in topics, more informal content and engagement. Also, lived experience and research updates inside and outside of Youth-GEMs will be added to the social media platforms.
In Youth-GEMs the co-creation with young experts is highly valued. For the next subject of this Science Café, this is also the starting point. Two young researchers, Sanne Berkers and Anna Wiersema (both involved in work package 4) presented and discussed an idea to reach a broader and maybe younger audience via podcasts or video’s. In these episodes a young person interviews a Youth-GEMs’ scientist and vice versa. The interviews should ideally feel like a natural conversation where both guests are equal authorities from a different perspective. Young experts gave different tips and tricks regarding this idea and will be involved in the next steps. Of course we will keep you posted!