Co-creation & Exploitation
On the #24 Science Cafe Young-Experts discussed the co-creation and exploitation opportunities within Youth-GEMs.
Science communication and ESM-research
This Science Café was all about science communication and ESM-research. Young experts of EYMH reflected together with the invited researchers on these topics.
Self-assessment app
In Youth-GEMs we are currently developing a self-assessment app. This app can be used by youth as a mental health support tool.
Immune system & prediction of mental health trajectories
This Science Café focused on the immune system in relation to mental health as well as the prediction of mental health trajectories in psychotic experiences.
AI in mental health trajectories
This Science Café was dedicated to ‘Artificial Intelligence (AI) in mental health trajectories’.
Website & social media activities
A Science Café on internal and external science communication!
App development
This Science Café had two main subjects: app development and identification of gene-environment interactions.
Clinical study & recruitment
Marta Ferrer came back to the Science Café community to give an update on the clinical study (which will be developed in work package 7).
Genes and molecular insights into mental wellbeing
This Science Café was dedicated to ‘genes and molecular insights into mental wellbeing’.
Collecting narratives of young people
This science café was dedicated to the ‘collection of narratives’. In our research project young people will be interviewed about their personal experiences regarding their mental health.